Coca-cola which is founded in 1892 but still ruling the market. Of all the beverages, Coca-cola has a unique strategy. As you can see the brand logo which is red color, unlike any other beverage.

It has a psychological fact that anything that looks red in color will make the brain more active. Red is the color that is associated with being active and can also increase our heart rates.

Most food companies like to attract customers by using red or yellow because these colors evoke tastebuds and stimulate the appetite. These colors drag the attention of people well.

When coming to marketing strategy, Coca-cola has good promotions in advertising. You can observe all the ads of coca cola mostly focus more on emotion and less on the product.

Here we go,

In this advertisement, coca cola shows emotions.

One day a boy who is stuck in the office texts Diwali wishes to his fam group.

Then he suddenly saw a coca cola bottle tied with a red ribbon.

He follows the bottle and goes as far as the ribbon is visible.

At last, he finds his family hiding under the tables and behind the trees.

He feels so happy and hugs his mother. They celebrate with coco cola and he opens the bottle and starts drinking.

At last he shows his brand.

Mostly all of his ads show emotions and drag customers' attention.

Happy Learning:)
