Jack ma, who left Alibaba on 10th September delivered another rockstar performance at an event. He announced last year that he will quit Alibaba and hand over it to Daniel Zhang. He wants to devote his time as a philanthropy.
Jack ma dressed up in a traditional Chinese dress with a guitar in his hand and rockstar blonde wig in the farewell event. In this four hour event, he songs. Later, his employes prompted the topics and sang songs which made jack ma cry. Then Daniel performed one solo performance. Now, he is going to look after Alibaba alone. He is going to fit himself in large place of Jack ma.

Jack ma turned 55 on 10th September. As he is leaving Alibaba, he told in an interview that “This is not an end of the era, this is of a new era. I love education.” He and daniel worked together for 12 years. They looked after e-shopping, TaoBao and Tmall.

He values attitude over talent. He unites people under one single goal and also adopted six core values. He hires people with superior skills and never gives up for failure. He believes that failure teaches us many things. He does not have enemies. He always focuses on customers but never on competitors.

Jack ma is planning from the past ten years to start jack ma foundation and help students. He still has many goals to pursue and hates to sit idle. From now he is going to start a new life as a philanthropist. This is something he thinks he can do much better than being a CEO of Alibaba.
