The Amazon rainforest, which covers north-eastern Brazil, Columbia. This is known as the largest rainforest in the world. It has many trees and animals species. The river in the amazon forest is the largest river. It is also known as “the lungs of the planet” is now burning.”
This recorded to be the highest number in history, where thousands of acres have been burned. It is observed since august 15th and not due to climate change. Amazon is known for the storage of carbon and helps the world to slow down the pace of global warming.

People who go there for agriculture, will chop the trees and then wait for the material to dry. There is no change in the climate but the dry season creates favourable conditions for fire and for agricultural activities of people. President Jair Bolsonaro, who was elected last year promised to restore the economy by exploring amazon’s economic potential.

There are many things happening in the forest from the last week, where deforestation for new plantation and agricultural activities. They also planned to send the indigenous people from the forest. Three millions of animals species and plants are is predicted that 648 defenders died, who were living from past 15 years due to sudden fire on amazon.

This fire has destroyed lots of useful resources, land, plants, animals species and people. Many people donated for this sudden destruction. Donate one plant, reducing the usage of paper, wood and meat.
