Warren Buffet, long term value investor and world's richest man. In the past, he used to do some odd jobs like the door to door delivery of Washington post. Later, became the largest shareholder. He also wrote a book called “one thousand ways to make $1000”. He pledged to give away his 99 per cent of his fortune.
At the age of six, he used to buy coca-cola packs from his grandfather and sell them to nickel for 5 per cent profit. At that age, other children are playing he used to make money. He completed his graduation at the age of 17. He made $5,000 by selling newspapers. Later, his dad sent him for master’s but he knows more than his professors. He invested in shares and started making money.

In his childhood, he used to say his sibling that he will become a millionaire before he turned 30. No one in his family believed but he made it come true, He made of lots of money from shares but never tips with his friends or relatives. His wife died in 2004 with oral cancer and he later, in 2006 announced the world that he is going to give away all his money to charity.

His best investment is not stocks, bonds or real estate. The copy of the book “The intelligent investor’’. This book has helped him in making many decisions in his life. He also recommended this book to gates. At his age, others are doing nothing but he still makes money.
