Mother Teresa a well-known humanitarian, who is a symbol of love and care. She sacrificed her whole life to help people. She also has a missionary to help poor, sick, needy, crippled, homeless and leprosy. She likes teaching and a roman catholic, who decided to become a nun in her earlier age.
She was born to Nikola and Dranafile. She was named as Agnes, at the age of nine her father died. She then brought up by her mother. One day when is on her way to school, she saw a woman lying on the road and crying with pain. No one bothered her because she is a diseased woman. As the leprosy woman’s skin is eaten by rats on the road. She approached her and tried to her but she died after some time, then she decided to help people.

She then joined a community of nuns at the age of eighteen, in Calcutta. Later, went to American medical Missionary sisters. She then gathered unschooled children and started teaching them. Later, she became the principal of the school.

She is fair and lean personality. Her face has wrinkles and strong commanding power. She wrote many articles and books. She only has a few sarees of white and blue. She wears the saree in such a way only her face will be only visible.

She collects food and money and used them to poor people. She helps needy, homeless, diseased, poor. She says that “poverty means being unwanted”. One day she got information that there is a family, who has no food from many days. She went to that place and gave the lady some rice. The woman, her husband and children, who were so weak and dull felt so happy looking at her. The woman divided the rice into two halves and took one part and gave it to their neighbours. She returned and said even they are facing the same problem. She felt so happy looking at them.

After some years when mother was visiting the pope, she is suffering from severe heart disease. For some days she could not able to work because of her ill health. She at the age of eighty-seven died due to a heart attack on 5th September 1997.
