Every person in this world has its own personality that is different from another person. Some will be shy, crazy, calm, loud and so on. There are two different personalities observed in this world. One is an introvert, who always wants to enjoy their life themselves. They hate gathering and parties. The other is an extrovert, who is hyper in expressing their feelings. Their presence is always known. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Maybe if you are confused about whom you are then you are an ‘ambivert’. Who is introvert sometimes and extroverted in some situations. The author always used to thinking of becoming a lecture but when he got to know that they have to research and seminars, he then dropped and got a job. When he joined job, he thought those research and seminars is better than these social gatherings.

One day his dad who has worked and came home late. The author then went to meet his dad and found him busy reading something. He then got so scared and thought his dad is working so hard every day. Later, he got to know that his dad is doing to relax by reading what he likes.

Not every introvert is shy. Not every shy person is an introvert. Even some extrovert will be shy. Some introverts are anxious and shy. Others might be a shy extrovert or anxious extroverts. There are many people who are introverted succeed in life. Bill Gates is an introvert but not shy. He after his work goes home and read books. Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, George Orwell, Steven Spielberg, Larry Page, J.K. Rowling are introverts. ‘Introvert who knows the benefits of introvert will definitely succeed in life’ said by Gates.
