Everyone in this world has some goals, dreams, fears, happiness and sadness in their lives. We always have fear when thinking about something which is against your will. Some have fears on future plans, future, goals, relationships, promotions, health issues, accidents, crowd, darkness etc. Everyone has fear in there life. If you find someone who doesn't have fear then the person doesn't have any will or goal in his life.
There are two kinds of fear. One is positive fear and the other is negative fear. Positive fear is something which pushes you to do some work which is important to you. Negative fear is something that stops you to do your work and think about what others feel.

How to avoid this negative fear?
One day when you are walking on the road and suddenly find one of your old friends. Negative fear stops you and starts avoiding that person. You might even feel that the person might forget me. Now, look at that person and Give a compliment. This makes them get positive feelings and helps you to speak well.

Do something that scares you, many people have some fears like darkness, heights, public speaking etc. This fear is something that always stops you. Most of the people who give up only because of their thoughts than in reality. Do things that scare you. Force yourself to try, you will definitely make it.

Prove someone who doubts you. Many people around you make fun of our failure, might laugh at your position. You need to shut their mouth with your success. Make your success make noise.

Never work for others. Most people make decisions thinking about others feelings. This will never help you to win. You need to say “no” when it's not your priority. If you think they feel bad later, you will feel bad for your failure.

Try to convey what you feel. If you want to tell someone something don't think much. Go and tell. No matter whatever the outcome might be you always try to tell them.

Whenever you set a goal you will start working on it. People might laugh at your failure. Never give up continue doing it. They might say you can't do it. Believe in yourself. Try your best until the end. Never give up.
