Every day we see many people losing their money online due to hackers. There are many complaints filed by cyber police every day. I am sure you will definitely experience some of the following in your daily life and you might even think maybe you are hacked.
Here are the ways and tips which will help you to secure yourself from getting hacked. You can secure yourself from getting hacked by just simple way. That is HACK. Yes, its HACK, H- hard work, A- Antivirus update, C- common sense, K- keep your eyes open.
People hack account to take revenge, most of them for money and some people for fun. There are many ways people try to hack your account. It is your responsibility to secure yourself from them. You work so hard to make money, face lots of struggles and sacrifices but why you don't measure to secure them.
Everyone might have got this message at least once in their lifetime. “Congrats! Your Mobile Number was selected as a winner of £2,000,000.00!” The one minute of happiness in your face that you are going to be a millionaire. That's when you fall into the trap.

You might get emails from “” that says your account is “you have a wrong attempt please try after some time”. This will be sent through duplicate bank names and at the end if not you click this link to change your password. You get terrified and click on the link and enter your details to change. This is a trap. Always keep your eyes open from where you get emails from, see the from address clearly. Some online services are there to help you to know the user. Never click those links blindly.

Downloading stuff, where the virus is going to enter your PC. You should know where you download stuff and it is safe or not. Even torrent show some alerts to not to download from some sites. Read the instructions carefully.

Never Ever open files which are attached to the mail, unless you know the user. They attach them with .txt, .ext etc. They get downloaded and some ask for the password of bank details. The attachments might be videos, documents or any other.

You install some software for your PC. Beware of the risk as well. Don't install duplicate ones. Try to buy them instead of using fake ones. Read the instructions carefully while installing. Don't just blindly click run, open etc.

Never open links which grab your attention for money or seems inappropriate. Some links redirect to other links. Amazon gift voucher, money, spinning, lucky draws. All these will try to know your information.

You might even get emails from unknown people that they want to save their money in your bank account and ask for details. Never ever believe them, they text you using some sentimental story and make you emotional. Don't fall in that trap.

You might be thinking now what to do and what not to do. How to be safe from these hackers. There are some instructions which will help you to secure from hackers.

Always keep your eyes open and scan the complete details twice. Never discuss your bank details with anyone, even with your close friend. Install anti-virus app in your PC. Read all the instructions carefully. Never disclose your bank details on phone to bank people also. Always visit the bank and try yourself.

Don’t use wifi in hotels or outside places, they take your information and even know your passwords. Never trust anyone, contact cyber police immediately if you find something inappropriate.
