Everyday people read many books to gain knowledge and try to improve yourself. Certainly the purpose of reading books is to gain knowledge other than fun and entertainment. So, we read fiction and non-fiction. There are some self-help books which will change your habits, behaviour and the way you see life.there are books which will help you to gain confidence.

1. The 5 AM Club - Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma

If you read the prologue you will get an idea that the author has been teaching this concept to individuals for over 20 years. So, this book is a product of his own experience and teaching. He says if you wake up early and go to bed at the right time, then no success seems out of line. That is true because everything will happen in a systematic way. You will avoid procrastinating your work.

2. Gift of Confidence: Miracles Can Happen Easily by Rohit Narang
The author has written in fiction style, it will be unfair to leave out this book from the list. The book is highly recommended for gaining confidence and for all situations. This is a great book for students and others. Useful messages are conveyed through the story of a CA final year student Pancham.

3. The Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
Image result for 3. The Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
It is a self-help and a philosophical book which includes practical cases in the form of stories. the fields like history to philosophy and everything in between. The book, first in the place, serves ambitious people. It says if you really value your goals and objectives, the biggest obstacle is you ‘Yourself’. That is the ego that stops you from lowering down to get humble and learning in life. It is now a proven fact that our lives are misguided by our ego more than instincts. The ego is the root cause of problems that frequented us in everyday life.

4. Life Know-How: Sensible Advice to Live Life to the Fullest by Viswanatha Reddy Thalakola
Image result for 4. Life Know-How: Sensible Advice to Live Life to the Fullest by Viswanatha Reddy Thalakola
This self-help book is friendly and written in a casual tone and while reading it you may feel that a friend of yours is sitting around you and giving valuable advice to you about how to proceed in life.

5. Finding Your G-Spot in Life by Geetika Saigal
Image result for 5. Finding Your G-Spot in Life by Geetika Saigal
This book teaches how to be real ‘You’ despite going through aspects like family & peer pressure, rat race, fulfilling desires and so on. The author has stepped forward from its comfort zone and challenged the conventional and traditional sayings, for instance, maybe, it is not about the light at the end of the tunnel, but the lights we light as we journey through the tunnel.
