Did you ever sit alone and thinking about life?

Do you know what is happening in your life? Get up! Go to a peaceful place, maybe your terrace, your room, outside your home. Just look at the stars. Start thinking about yourself. Sit alone and look at the stars at night. Think about your happy moments and sad moment in your life. Think about People who praised you for your talent, People you scolded you for your flaws, people who are angry at you, people who hate you…

When you’re alone standing in a peaceful place, where there is no one around you, no noise, no disturbances, no people, no issues, and no demands. You start thinking about your past. The things you did when your kid, the things you copied, things which made you learn, things which changed you.

People you played with, people whom you are happy, laughing and enjoying, no worries about life, no pains in your heart, no rules for life, no rejections from anyone. Change you observed in your behaviour, change you saw in others, things that change your way of approach, things which bordered you, people who taught you, teach you, punish you, helped you to change.

Slowly when you started setting goals, working hard for it, asking friends for help, teach them something, knowing about people, pressures for studies, exam tensions, fear for life, results, games with your friends, happiness for small things, sadness for petty things, loneliness, work stress, tours with your parents, fights with your siblings…

Everything flash before you, all the achievements you had, the failures you faced, gossip about you, appreciations from others, scolding you heard, degrading your passion, jealousy you, fear which stopped you, your interests which made you happy, your plans which are scheduled, your depression, you're close friends, misunderstandings with friends, deep down you want the best…

Your aim, performance, hard work, everything changed your past. You are always the better you from the past. Nothing is permanent, your problems, fears, and achievement. Even your goals changed from your childhood, your interests, desire, passion, everything has changed in life. Nothing is as same as before, people, their love, their attention, your closeness.

Life is a book of experience. All kinds of situations will teach you something or in some way. Everything you need is satisfaction for what you do, what you get. Learn from every experience. Stay calm and listen to your inner self.


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